Our Funeral Conference Room has been
designed with comfort in mind. The setting is not only comforting it is also very spacious, with enough seating to accommodate every family, no matter how large or small. The Conference Room and Casket Selection Room have been combined to make the transition from making funeral arrangements, to selecting a casket, as comfortable and convenient as possible.
Our Wood Caskets are available in
Mahogany, Oak, Walnut, Cherry, Maple, Ash, Poplar and Pine. We have a large selection of wood caskets available to satisfy the many needs of all our client families.
Our Metal Caskets are available in Bronze,
Copper, Stainless Steel, 16 Guage Steel, 18 Guage Steel and 20 Guage Steel. We have a very large selection of metal caskets available to satisfy the many needs of all our client families.
To view a complete listing of the caskets we have available, please click on the link below.
Online Casket Showroom